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Judit Fazekas

Post-Doctoral Researcher

I have always been fascinated by how children acquire language, in particular, how they learn to combine words into more complex expressions. My previous work targeted the underlying mechanisms that enable this process, with a particular focus on error-based learning theories. Here at the PBL, I use a variety of behavioral and neuroscientific methods to explore the role of various kinds of predictions in this process.

Before joining the lab, I have been based in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, completing postdoctoral fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and the University of Liverpool, and then working as a lecturer in Psychology at the University of Manchester. Prior to this, I completed a Masters in Psychology of Language at the University of Edinburgh, and then a PhD in Psychology at the University of Liverpool.

When I'm not in the lab I'm typically on the lookout for the next tasty meal.