
We are the Predictive Brain Lab, based at the Donders Institute of the Radboud University Nijmegen, headed by Floris de Lange. We represent many different nationalities (currently: Argentina, Austria, Canada, China, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, and Turkey) and we come from diverse personal and scientific backgrounds.

We promote a supportive and stimulating work environment, where we  can have fun and carry out excellent scientific research.

 To learn more about how the lab operates,  take a look at our lab handbook or scroll through our lab wiki.

Principal Investigator

Floris de Lange

Post-doctoral researchers

Mandy Bartsch

Eva Berlot

Judit Fazekas

Lea-Maria Schmitt

Yamil Vidal

Gesa Berretz

Marika Constant

Thirza Dado

PhD candidates

Floortje Bouwkamp

Maartje Koot

Dota Tianai Dong

Qifei Wang

Claire Zhang

Paulo Ortiz

Wieger Scheurer

Internship students & Research assistants

Melvin Eckert

Yifan Luo

Affiliated members

Lieke van Lieshout

(Radboud University Nijmegen)

Micha Heilbron

(University of Amsterdam)

David Richter

(Cimcyc, Granada, Spain)

Eelke Spaak

(Radboud University Nijmegen)

Jakub Szewczyk

(Jagiellonian University)

Christoph Huber-Huber

(CIMeC, Trento, Italy)

Ambra Ferrari

(CIMeC, Trento, Italy)

Ingmar de Vries 

(CIMeC, Trento, Italy)


Former PhD students and post-docs


Within the Donders Institute

External collaborators